Files included in this archive: ============================================================================= ORCPAK4B.ZIP As of 12, August 1997 this is a beta 'pak since the strainer lesson for the second +HCU students is in this pak and has not been turned in and 'graded' at this time. Since the files are all available now, I feel that it is fine to release the parts in this beta form - only to be complete when the strainer period has ended. As always, there are a few extras in this distribution that you should find useful. howto42.txt - Lesson 4.2: A Short History of Time II acroread.exe - A one-diskette version of the acrobat reader for reading .pdf files (like in - Demo of Microsoft Money 3 for the Strainer patchsrc.asm - A new patcher by Onurb (source code in assembly) that unlike standard patch-at-location programs seeks bytes to replace cracker.asm - Re-print of cracker.asm from Uncle Joe's Crackbook (The patch-at-location type for completeness) - Turbo Assembler Version 3.1 with Turbo Debugger shield.gif - my personal calling card and coat of arms (hope you like it!) ============================ ANOTHER VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: ============================ In this particular installment, three of the files are particularly large and difficult to include in this format. They include MS publisher'97 which is found on the U.S. Microsoft site, MS Project'97 (french version) called fmsprojeval.exe and MS Money'97 at Microsoft's site in the U.K. Once my fortress site is up (hopefully in September) I will be able to put them online for those who may not be able to access them very easily. As always, if there is someone who wishes to donate a decent amount of space to hold these files, contact me and I will gladly upload them. There will be (hopefully!) active links at my website(s) for you to access these files directly from their home locations until they are removed from the net in lieu of updated versions that always follow ============================================================================= +gthorne '97